Wayfinding Signage for Airfield

Specification: A sign posted on the wall across from the entrance that directs visitors to the information center. Requires text and a directional arrow.

Accessibility issues to address: visual impairment  &  memory difficulties


  • Use ‘Grouping’ to optimize utility to the reader, and clarifies understanding.
  • Use ‘Consistency’ to help to decrease distractions and draw attention to a novel element.
  • Ensure maintaining a pyramidal hierarchical structure within a page.
  • Letterform width: The width of an uppercase “O” should be within 75% and 105% of the height of an uppercase “I.”
  • Imposters: Avoid typefaces that have letterform designs that are virtually identical for multiple letters.
  • Use Screen Readers.
  • Keep the line length between 45 to 90 characters, including spaces.
  • Apply Audio Video Content.
  • Hoverable. The user must be able to continue to move their pointer around over the hover area, without the additional content disappearing.
  • Persistent. The additional content revealed on the hover or focus event must remain persistently visible until the user dismisses it.
  • Implement ‘Undo’ mechanism to undo or reverse the form submission.
  • Scrolling should be confined to a single axis only, but vertically.
  • Keep a minimum contrast ratio of 70%
  • Use a non-glare finish.
  • Comply with international standards for pictogram usage. Keep the field around it at least 150mm in height.
  • In any case, ensure a minimum font size of 16mm cap-height.

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  1. mwilson

    Your title is incorrect – you are building an app and a printed map. Otherwise, well done. You’ve pulled the pertinent information for the app.

    You missed recommendations for the printed map.

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